4 Moves for a Toned Upper Body.

  • Start in pushup position with a 10-pound dumbbell in your right hand and a three-pound dumbbell in your left hand, palms inward, feet at shoulder width for stability (A).
  • Perform pushup, then row the 10-pound dumbbell to your hip line (B, C).
  • Perform pushup, then raise the three-pound dumbbell with straight arm until parallel to the floor, forming a 90-degree angle with your anchor arm 

  • Start at top of pushup position, feet at hip width.
  • Raise your right leg about
12 inches off the floor so that right knee is above left knee.
  • As you descend into the bottom of the pushup, curl your right leg slightly past 90 degrees.
  • As you push up, straighten right leg.
  • Switch legs and repeat.

  • Start in pushup position, feet at hip width, and perform pushup.
  • At the top of your subsequent pushup, simultaneously extend right arm so that it’s parallel to the floor and raise left leg about eight inches, also parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position and count to three.
  • Return to the top of the plank position and switch arms and legs.

  • Start in pushup position, with left hand on floor and right hand on small medicine ball, feet at hip width and perform pushup.
  • At top of the subsequent pushup, tap left palm to right shoulder.
  • Place hand on floor and continue for eight reps total.
  • Roll ball to left hand and repeat for eight reps.