Fitness Model Jaimie Bernhardt Workout Routine.

Monday: Legs

Leg Extensions 7×12

Squats 4×12
Leg Press 4×12
Walking Lunges with Barbell 4x failure
Jefferson’s (Split Squats) 3×12

Tuesday: Arms

Standing Barbell Curls 3×20 (10 each arm)
Hammer Curls 5×12
Seated Incline Bench Curls 3×20 (10 each arm)
Preacher Curls 3×12
Standing Barbell Curls 5×10
Rope Pushdowns 5×12
Overhead Dumbbell Press 3×12
Skull Crushers 3×12

Wednesday: Glutes/Plyometrics

Leg Curls 7×12
Straight Leg Deadlift with Dumbbell 5×10
Cable Kickbacks 7×15
Sumo Squats 3×12
Barbell Hip Thrusts 4×15
Box Jumps 3 rounds 1 min
Paratroops 3 rounds 1 min
30 Burpees
Jump Squats 3 rounds 1 min

Thursday: Shoulders/Abs

Barbell Shoulder Press 3×15
Arnold Press 4×12
Lateral Raises 3×12
Incline Bench Lateral Raises 3×10 (each arm)
Front Raises 3×12
2 min Plank
20 V-ups
100 Crunches

Friday: Back

Wide Grip Pulldowns 5×12
Close Grip Pulldowns 5×12
One Arm Dumbbell Rows 3×12
Bent Over Cable Rows 3×15
Deadlifts 3×10

Saturday: Glutes/Plyometrics

Leg Curls 7×12
Straight Leg Deadlifts with dumbbell 5 x 10
Cable Kickbacks 7 x 15
Sumo Squats 3 x 12
Barbell Hip Thrust 4 x 15
Box Jumps 3 rounds 1 min
Paratroops 3 rounds 1 min
30 Burpees
Jump Squats 3 rounds 1 min

Sunday: Rest Day