Monday: Sprints/Chest/Shoulders
20 Min Sprints (am)
Incline Dumbbell Press (Neutral to Semi supinated) 4×12
Standing Shoulder Press 4×12
Cable Fly’s Low Pulley 3×15
Standing Incline Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3×15
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3×15
Cable Bent Over Lateral Raise 3×15
High Pull 2×15
Gironda Dumbbell Side Swing 2×10
Tuesday: Legs
Front Squats 4×6-8
Sissy Squats 4×10-12
Barbell Step Ups 4×12
Dumbbell Squat 4×10
Dumbbell Walking Lunges 3×15
Donkey Calf Raises 3×25
Seated Calf Raises 3×25
Good Mornings 3×10
Low Cable Pull-in 3×20
Overhead Pulley Crunch 3×20
Wednesday: Stretches/Yoga
1 hour Yoga session
Thursday: Sprints/Glutes/Abs
20 Min Sprints (am)
Romanian Deadlift 4×10
Glute Hamstring Raise 4×12
Cable/Rope Hip Thrusts 3×15
Reverse Hyper-Extension 3×15
Cable Kickback 3×15
V-ups 3×20
Hanging Leg Raise 3×20
Sit-ups Elbow To Knee 3×20
Kettlebells Swings 3×25
Friday: Back/Arms
Close Grip Chin-ups 3×8
Bent Over Pull Down (Wide Grip) 3×12
Incline Bench Dumbbell Row (Chest Pronated) 3×12
45 Degree Incline Bench Biceps Curls 3×12
EZ Bar Close Grip Bench Press 3×12
Cable Curls (Supinated Grip) 3×15
Rope Overhead Triceps Extension 3×15
Saturday: Legs/Abs
Leg Extension 5×15
Hack Squat On Toes 4×10-12
Leg Press 4×15-20
Leg Extension 6×10
Lying Leg Curl 4×15-20
Stiff Leg Deadlift 4×10-12
Back Extension 4×15-20
Lying Leg Curl Drop Set 3×10
Low Cable Pull-In 3×20
Overhead Pulley Crunch 3×20
Sunday: Off Day