Bicep Curl 21's Exercise

Grasp a barbell of desired weight in with both hands (keeping in mind that 21 consecutive repetitions are performed when doing this exercise) 

Top Portion

Lower the weight until your forearms are parallel to the ground, i.e. stop when you reach halfway down (midpoint), while inhaling throughout the movement. 

Repeat until a total of 7 repetitions is reached, lowering the weight all the way down on the last (7th) repetition.

Bottom Portion 

Curl the weight upward until your forearms are parallel with the ground, i.e. stop when you reach halfway up (midpoint), while exhaling throughout the movement.
Lower the weight to the initial position, while inhaling throughout the movement.
Repeat until a total of 7 repetitions are reached.

Full-Range Curls

Once again without resting, curl the weight the entire range, exhaling throughout the movement.
Lower the weight to the bottom, inhaling throughout the movement.
Repeat until a total of 7 repetitions are reached. Rest!