Target Your Quads For Maximum Growth

Bulgarian Split Squats


Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides facing away from bench. 

Extend leg back and place top of foot on bench.


Squat down by flexing knee and hip in front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor.

Return to original standing position by extending hip and knee of forward leg and repeat.

Continue with opposite leg. 

Dumbbell Squats


 Take an even grip of the dumbbells. keep your stance hip width apart.


Keeping your spine erect and your lower back slightly bent, bend your knees and lower your body in a controlled manner. perform a full squat.

At the bottom of the movement, drive your body up from the bottom position, 
maintaining proper alignment of your feet and knees.

Barbell Front Squats


Position barbell in front of shoulders. 

Cross arms and place hands on top of barbell with upper arms parallel to the floor.


Squat down by bending hips back while allowing knees to bend forward, keeping back straight and knees pointed in the same direction as feet. 

Descend until thighs are just past parallel.

Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.

Dumbbell Step Ups


Stand with dumbbells by your sides facing the bench


Place foot of first leg on bench. Stand on bench by extending hip and knee of first leg and place foot of second leg on bench.

Step down with second leg by flexing hip and knee of first leg. Return to original standing position by placing first leg on floor. 

Repeat first step with opposite leg.