Monday: Legs
Leg Press 4×12
Leg Extension 4×15
Leg Curls 4×12
Hack Squat 4×12
Walking Lunges 4×20
30 mins cardio
Tuesday: Shoulders/Chest
Dumbbell Press 4×12
Arnold DB Press 4×12
Barbell Rear Delt Row 4×12
Lying One Arm Lateral Raise 4×15
Around The Worlds 4×12
Bench Press 4×15
Wednesday: Back/Abs
Bent Over Barbell Row 4×12
One Arm Dumbbell Row 4×12
Seated Cable Rows 4×12
Pullups 4×12
Crunches – Legs on Ball 4×20
Cross Body Crunch 4×30
Hanging Leg Raise 4×20
Jack-knife Sit-Up 4×15
Thursday: Arms
Alternate Hammer Curl 4×12
Barbell Curl 4×12
Concentration 4×12
Overhead Cable Curl 4×12
Standing Dumbbell Tric. 4×12
Triceps Pushdown 4×15
Bent Over Two Arms Extension 4×12
Barbell Brench Press 4×12
Friday: Glutes/Abs
Butt Lift Close Legs 4×50
Butt Lift Open Legs 4×50
Glute Kickback 4×20
Pull Through (Hip Pulls) 4×15
40 min cardio
Saturday: Cardio/Abs
1 hour of cardio + Intervals
30 minutes of Ab work
Sunday: Rest