Romanian Deadlift |
Grasp barbells from floor with shoulder width to wide overhand grip. stand with shoulder width stance.
Lower barbell towards top of feet by bending hips while tracing the contour of legs through downward motion.
Gradually bend knees through decent and keep spine straight so back is in a near horizontal position.
Once hamstrings are stretched fully just before lowering barbells completely to the floor, lift barbells by extending hips and knees until standing upright.
3 sets, 10 reps
Zercher Squat
Lift the bar up so that it is resting on top of your forearms.
Squat down, keeping back straight, hands close to body, and knees pointed same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are near parallel.
Hold for a count then return and repeat.
Barbell Sumo Squat |
Position the barbell high at the back of the shoulders
Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned out.
Push your hips back and squat down, keeping your chest up and knees out.
Return to starting position. repeat.
Standing Calf Raises |
Position the barbell high at the back of the shoulders
Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower heels back to start position.
Barbell Curtsy Lunge
Position the barbell high at the back of the shoulders
Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
keeping your weight on one foot, take a step back with your other leg, crossing it behind your left leg (curtsy).
Bend your knees and lower your body straight down until your front thigh is parallel to the floor, and both knees are bent at 90 degrees.
Rise back up into your starting position and do the same thing with the other leg.
Keep your toes pointed straight ahead.